Datawarehousing is the part where all the millions of transactions are stored securely, usually at the Ministry of Interior or Traffic/Licence plate department.

Selectamark will sit down with you and design the best database system to store all the data. Depending on your budget and current systems, the requirement may range from MySQL to the latest Oracle 10g application.

The number of vehicles and number of readers will be key in determining the number of servers, how much hard disk storage space is required, how long the data needs to be kept for and whether the need for daily/monthly reporting means that a duplicate data set of transactions is kept.

This transactional dataset will be kept separate from current vehicle databases and linked in most cases by the vehicle's VIN number - the field which is present in both databases.

©2006 Selectamark Security Systems plc | Tel: +44 1689 860757 | Fax: +44 1689 860693 | Email:

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